Signs Of Opioid Addiction


Opioids, from pain killers to street drugs like heroin, are highly addictive. Over time, you may need more and more of the drug to feel ok. These drugs make you feel like you need them to survive.

Addiction looks different for everyone. If you feel or experience any of the following and have been using opioids, it is time to get help.


  • You crave the drug or don’t feel “normal” without it

  • You feel tired and sad

  • You feel overly energetic

  • You feel cranky or nervous

  • Your moods change quickly

  • You’re less interested in activities you once enjoyed


  • You spend more time alone or avoid your loved ones

  • Your sleep changes, or you sleep at odd times

  • You talk faster or say things that don’t make sense to others

  • You miss appointments, school, or work

  • You eat more or less than before

  • You stop bathing, brushing your teeth or changing your clothes

  • You have trouble meeting financial needs

  • You get in trouble with the law

  • Your friendships are changing or you hang out with different people than before

Help With Recovery

Recovery is a journey. There are people ready to help you at every step.