Maintaining Sobriety


Detox and recovery are parts of getting clean, but they’re different from one another.

Detox is your body getting rid of the chemicals from any substance(s) you’ve used.

Recovery is an ongoing process. It’s recognizing the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that cause you to use a substance. It’s also learning how to change your thoughts, manage your feelings and emotions, and adjust or change your behaviors. You’ll need the support and coping skills you get from counseling and group therapies to deal with the mental challenges and physical cravings.

Here are a few ways to stay clean after detoxing and then during your recovery.


Personal Monitoring Program

This can include working with a sponsor, counselor, intensive outpatient program (IOP), or a sober living facility coordinator. You will have regular drug testing during your program.


Sober living Programs


Sober living programs (also referred to as transitional housing programs) are designed to help you transition to a life of sobriety after you graduate from rehab.

After detox, inpatient or outpatient rehab programs help you modify negative behaviors and attitudes, learn to cope with triggers, and build healthy relationships.

After rehab, transitional living programs give you a safe and sober place to practice living an independent, sober life with the guidance and support of sober staff and peers.


IOP (Intensive Outpatient Programs)

Intensive Outpatient Programs range from 30 to 90 days, or even longer. These programs have a high level of support and care for individuals in recovery. Treatment also includes behavioral therapy, 12-step program work, family therapy, and other specialized therapies.

The main difference between residential treatment and IOP is that IOP programs are a series of weekly or bi-weekly meetings held at a safe, clinical facility. You do not live on-site. You can come and go as you please while enrolled in treatment.


Inpatient residential rehab

You’ll typically get 30 to 90 or more days of behavioral therapy. You’ll probably participate in a 12-step program and family therapy, as well as other specialized therapies. You’ll get a high level of support and structure because you live on-site at the rehab center for the whole treatment program.

Although 30-day programs are common, experts recommend treatment of at least 90 days for the best outcomes.

Help With Recovery

Recovery is a journey. There are people ready to help you at every step.